Linette Colwell

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Jackson Snelling

Just a good old Indiana Boy

Jackson Snelling, a 19 year old singer songwriter from Austin Indiana. A contestant on The 2021 American Idol and won "Video of the Year ", at the Josie Music Awards in Pigeon Forge TN,  He’s currently up for 5 Nominations this year at the JMA’s, and currently traveling across the country in support of Suicide Awareness prevention. Jackson wrote a song and made a video called "IF I ONLY KNEW " after a friend took his life at the age of 14. Jackson’s video has circulated around the world. When Jackson isn’t traveling you can find him performing in Louisville, KY and Southern Indiana. 

Our connection is interesting. We live in the same area, and both he and my daughter took lessons from the same beautiful teacher at a local music shop. It’s hard to believe that a kid who from little ol’ Austin Indiana, with all the events that occurred in his life, could still smile and sing. You know people sing because they’re happy, and Jackson Snelling has SO much joy. We discussed his life, his legacy and all the things he wants to do. Jackson is an amazing old soul who has made the journey from the small town of Austin, Indiana all the way to the big screen; his life is full of countless opportunities. To hear his story and how he made his debut on the hit show American Idol is enlightening and encouraging to hear. I had so much fun talking about his hobbies, his family and how American Idol found him.

Big Things Coming

Be on the lookout for all of Jackson’s new music, videos and you never know…he just might be on American Idol again. Listen to the episode all the way to the end, I think you’ll find a very lovely surprise. This episode is about Jackson’s journey from losing his very dear Father, to keeping his family legacy of making music going by following his dream of being an artist.