It's Alli!


 It’s not everyday that you get to meet a NCAA Division 1 athlete. It’s not everyday that you get to meet a NCAA Division 1 athlete National Champion. It’s not everyday that you get to meet a NCAA Division 1 athlete who is not only a National Champion, but also has a heart for Christ, a beautiful spirit, smile, great personality, as well as loves the next generation of athletes to the nth degree! Well, let me introduce you to the very person who IS all of those things. She is an incredible individual who truly represents the very best things in the sport of volleyball today.

Faith, sports, family and life. All the things discussed during my time with Alli Stumler. 


She’s so much more than her sport. She’s so much more than her number and the university she represents. As I spoke with Alli, I learned that Alli Stumler is an amazing young lady who has such deep roots in Christ and her family. To watch her on the court, you see the passion she plays with and the contagious smile she blasts throughout the match. I immediately fell in love with her heart as we discussed life, God, her family and her journey to the University of Kentucky. I found that Alli, like all the rest of us, has had to navigate Covid, college, family, and the responsibility all of those things require. Being on campus of one of the premier universities in the country, during a pandemic, had it’s challenges, but this phenom helped to lead her team to a NCAA National Championship! 


To meet Alli is truly life changing and it’s very apparent that she has an absolute rock solid foundation. I can’t wait to meet her parents to say, “Job WELL DONE!” To hear how important her family is and the 40 acres that they all live on is an old school story in a new school life. It’s awesome. The amount of respect she has for her parents and their work ethic and determination, speaks volumes for her parents The connection she has with her family is one that many would love to have, not to mention need, especially in times of social media, pandemic and social stress that seems to surround us now. 


It was refreshing to know that God has such an integral part of her life. I was also shocked to hear how God played such a huge part of her decision to UK. For a large, public University, I was blown away at one of the main reasons (God centered) that helped seal the deal for Alli in making the leap to become a Kentucky Wildcat. I’m so excited to know her and even more excited that my daughter gets to know her, watch her play volleyball and a Christ-led life. 

Alli Stumler is a Champion..of life.



She is number 17. A 6’1”, Outside Hitter for the volleyball team at the University of Kentucky, who has this electric smile and personality, on and off the court. A newly engaged, free spirited, beauty. She is a daughter, sister, amazing athlete and a mentor and role model to many. She made such an impression on me, that I will not only make the drive to watch her play, but OMG…I’m actually going to cheer for KENTUCKY?!? If you know me, you know how crazy that sounds..Alli Stumler has made a believer out of me (Go Cats! Lol) 

I met Alli Stumler in the lobby of KIVA. She smiled as each little girl waited on she signed posters and posed for pictures with each one. She’s a Kiva girl, who just won a National Championship, during a pandemic, no less,  with her volleyball team at the University of Kentucky. How she does it all with such joy was a mystery to me…until we spoke. Our interview was an amazing insight on who she is, what her why is and how she got it all done to achieve, arguably, one of the most coveted wins a college athlete desires- a National Championship! If you look at her career, her passion for Christ and work ethic, you won’t be surprised by her success. 


Alli Stumler is the real deal. Check out her bio and stats from the University of Kentucky volleyball sports page. Impressive is an understatement. 

Best Year Ever

The 2021-2022 season will be Alli’s senior year. When we spoke on Episode 10, we briefly discussed her newest joy…Alli is engaged! She’ll go into her senior year as a newly engaged woman! The excitement and anticipation of a stellar season, coming off of a National Championship and being deemed the best volleyball team in the country is probably a crazy high. I asked Alli about the Covid restrictions and if the upcoming season looked promising for fans at full capacity. Her response was exciting. I can’t wait to see Alli do her thing next season! Along with her family, friends, teammates and many more, I know we all are chomping at the bit to see what this upcoming year will bring.