Meet Ricky Lee

Live-In Legend

There are some people in your life that you meet, interact with and never forget. As the years have passed, Ricky Duncan is one of those people. I met Ricky in 2002, literally almost 20 years ago. Ricky and I both worked for the Department of Social Services in Cleveland County, Shelby North Carolina. I was fresh out of college, confused yet believing I could save the world. Ricky became my roommate and we shared a home for a while during some of the most immature years of my life! Not only was he a great roommate, but an even better Social Worker, and a walking fashion icon. He was respectful, wise beyond his years. He was like a unicorn. A soft spoken, powerful, game spittin’ gentle fashion giant; like a mythical beast.

Fast forward to 2021 and of course we don’t live or work together anymore, but we keep in contact via social media. As we spoke, it was as if we never lost time. We’ve followed each others’ lives and it was amazing to reflect all of the growth. Ricky is still cool as ever, stylish, calm and collected. He has developed yet another talent by way of photography, which isn’t a surprise. His eye for colors, patterns and outfits prove he sees things artistically that others may not see. Ricky is an intelligent, huge hearted friend that I was able to reconnect with to discuss the super important issue of mental health. Now that I’ve shared with you the social side of my friend Ricky, I am even more excited to share with you the professional side of Ricky. When you hear how huge his heart is, and the way he’s giving back to his community professionally and personally. Ricky is the epitome of a renaissance man. He can do it all, very well, and I’m proud to call him my friend.


How May I Help You?

Ricky Duncan, a man of many talents. Helping others are on the top of that list. Ricky has 18 years of total experience as a social worker and 7 years as a clinical therapist. Ricky studied social work at NC State University where he was a a student athlete as part of the track and field team, received his BSW and completed his graduate studies in social work at University North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Ricky’s dedication to helping others has always been the fuel that has ignited his passion in having positive impact on those in his community.


Ricky provides therapeutic services to adults and teenagers with a range of diagnosis and life experiences. Ricky currently works as a clinical therapist at Centra Health in Danville, Virginia where he does one on one therapy. Ricky splits his part time clinical work with both Grow Encourage Empower and Holly Hill Hospital. Another amazing effort that Ricky participates in annually is being a leading fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. He hosts many fundraising events in honor of his Mother, whom he lost at a young age to breast cancer.

There are so many layers to Ricky Duncan. Our conversation on Her Real Life was interesting, moving, powerful and informative. We discussed the importance of mental health and how the traditional way of providing services has drastically changed since the onset of Covid. We also discussed the cultural stigma that surrounds therapy in the black community. Check out the episode and conversation titled The Clinician and The Man: Being Mentally Black in 2021.


Ricky Duncan is still in the great state of North Carolina but commutes to Virginia to help those in need of mental health services. Two ways to connect with Ricky for services, if you’re in the Raleigh Durham or Virginia area, are: Grow Encourage Empower, and On each site you can simply put Ricky Duncan the search bar and begin the process for receiving counseling services. To learn more about Ricky’s fundraising efforts for the American Cancer Society, check out the ACS website and stay tuned for more information throughout the year.

Just Be..Aware

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and I’m thankful that we’re able to have this open conversation about the importance of our mental health and the need for therapy and self care, especially during the social, medical, and economic times we’re in right now. I use all types of ways to stay sane, sleep better and function to the best of my ability. One app that my family uses and loves is Calm. This month the Calm Calendar is a way that the good people at Calm encourage you to check in with your mind and take good care of yourself. Hop over for a free May Calm Calendar download. Along with these this great resource, please don’t forget to pray, seek the face of God. Remember it’s okay to ask for help, take a mental break and step back from all the events of the times. Reach out to others who you trust and who can help you during these stressful times.

Until next time,

I hope you enjoyed meeting and getting to know, Ricky Duncan, on The Vine Connection where we meet, travel and grow.If you would like to be featured or know of another great person we all need to know, email me at to get more information. I can’t wait to hear from you!