A Realistic State of Mind, Courtney Robison-Dixon

To say life has made some drastic turns is an absolute understatement. Even before Covid and all the changes that bought to our lives and especially our kids, there was the enormous elephant in the room that we all love to hate at times and that is the giant we so lovingly call, Social Media. We all use social media for one reason or another, and for the most part, it’s harmless. Then, there are other times when it’s the absolute worst thing ever created. It’s in these moments that we as adults look at our usage and say, “…maybe I should cut back,” and we step back and evaluate how it makes us feel and we stop for a while. 


For our children who are growing up in this social media driven world, it isn’t so simple. For the ever evolving minds of the little people we love and care so much about, social media and the sense of acceptance and belonging it falsely gives to them, it creates a type of stress that they really don’t know how to handle. Having pre-teen and teenage kids in this social media day and age is definitely a task, especially having a daughter. These times can be brutal. 

Meet Passion, Purpose and Power

As a parent I do my best to expose my children to the good things of life and sometimes the good parts of the not so good things in life. As with everything in my life, when I find a good thing, I try to share it with everybody I know. Sports have always been a huge part of my life and when my children decided to become involved in sports, it made my heart smile. When we found Kiva for my daughter, it literally changed her little athletic life, and ours. The relationships and skill she’s developed have been incredible! I’m so thankful for our Kiva family. One of the first people I encountered at Kiva was Courtney Robison-Dixon. I will be forever grateful for our meeting. She was gracious and honest and at that moment, I knew I’d found the right place for my daughter to grow her passion for volleyball. I had no idea that Courtney was in the process of writing a book for young girls that would be a blessing and life changing read. 


Author Courtney Robison-Dixon is a former Division 1 volleyball player at the University of Louisville who, for the past ten years, has coached girls ages 10-18, as one of the directors of Kentucky Indiana Volleyball Academy (KIVA)- one of the most prominent and prestigious clubs in the country. 



Courtney’s life mission is to help young women build the inner strength, confidence, and competence they need to live their lives in real time. Her relatable, supportive, life-changing advice will empower girls to realize that they are women of passion, with a purpose in life and the power to influence the world in a positive way. 


Courtney is a powerhouse and she not only communicates, exudes and shares her powerful influence, she leans on it help create the next generation of women for a better future. She’s my kind of people and in this episode we discuss the driving force behind this amazing book and the hopes of change that will come not only from every girl, but every adult who reads it. I can’t wait to share the book with my own volleyball team this summer! I’ve set up a Play Date for pre-teen girls to participate in a Virtual Summer Book Club to make sure as many girls in my area are able to read it.

When we spoke on Episode 6, (Real Time) of Her Real Life, Courtney really shared her heart for the young girls of society and the positive development of their overall being. Check out the episode and hear the hey behind this amazing woman. I’m truly thankful for our connection


The Connection
The book, Living in Real Time is available, right now, for purchase! 

Connect with Courtney here: 
Courtney Robison-Dixon
Instagram- @robisondixon21
Facebook- @courtneyrobisondixon 