H.E.R., Arielle Jones

“‘LEARN WHO YOU ARE AND BE THAT,’ is a quote that strongly defines where I am in my life. As a believer in God, a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and entrepreneur, I have found my confidence in knowing who I am and standing firm in that place. It feels so freeing to be okay with being me, Arielle Jones. I have learned that no one can be a better me than me!” 
~Arielle Jones


Meet Her

“I stumbled upon the specific journey of finding myself during the COVID Pandemic in 2020. In order to put an end to the constant confusion and ongoing chaos in my mind about what I want to do, what I was created to do and just plainly put, WHO AM I? I prayed and promised to devote time to my Health, Empower myself and other ladies around me and to give myself time to Revitalize. Hence the birth of Motivate H.E.R. (24.7), a platform for women to consciously devote time to themselves. My husband Michael Jones also played a significant role in the conception of Motivate H.E.R. because he helped cultivate the platform of Motivate H.E.R. by encouraging and supporting me through my journey. I genuinely believe that empowered women empower women and if we change the way we think, we can change the world!”

Arielle has 10 + years of experience in retail property management. The most significant element of her 10 + year career has been building relationships with entrepreneurs. Those relationships also helped her tap into her curiosity of starting her own business as well as investing in others. Arielle Jones is a product of a HBCU, Clark Atlanta University, graduating Summa Cum Laude. Arielle understands in life, you must find a way or make one (CAU MOTTO)! She is devoted to finding ways to empower women around the world and to encourage women to cherish who they are as well as the gifts and visions they will birth.

Life Changing

Knowing and speaking with Arielle Jones are two life changing events within themselves. She is an amazing woman and throughout my time of getting to know her better, I am thankful for the experience. In our one on one conversations, we discussed the faithfulness of God, health, wellness, camaraderie, transparency and purpose. We discussed the birth of Motivate H.E.R. and how it is growing and creating changes and ripple effects not only in my life, but lives of women all across the world. The reach of Motivate H.E.R. has made it all the way to Cairo! I personally know the changes this community made in my life and listening to our conversation will show you 1 out of a million reasons why you will want to get connected to Motivate H.E.R. and Arielle Jones. Episode 7, H.E.R Motivation was so powerful and impactful. It was an honor to connect.

The Business

Motivate H.E.R. currently offers a variety of classes and opportunities to engage with their community and change your life. Email Arielle, follow Motivate H.E.R. on instagram and find your place in line for positive interaction and change. You are in for an absolute treat as we literally dive deep into Her Real Life.
