Sharece Gash

The Lady

She’s a beautiful soul. A thirty something pre-k teacher. An actress, model, author, mother…and a preacher’s wife. Sharece Gash is a friend of mine. Our connection is two fold. We are both part of the G-Dubb aka Gardner-Webb athletic family as well as the Grit, Grind and Muscle family. She’s my accountability partner on those days I don’t feel like getting up early and we are the queens of a “just finished an insane workout, are you alive?” selfie. She helped me get through those initial days of pushing through meal plans, waking up early and finishing the entire workout. There are no words to express how thankful I am for Sharece in my real life. She’s introduced me to Bible studies and a whole new set of ladies who keep support me on my health journey as well as my spiritual journey. Sharece is a praying woman, steeped in peace. Her voice is as calming as ANY sound machine. I’m so thankful we connected. Her story of being a pastor’s wife is interesting, because it isn’t what you think. 


The Role

Sometimes, we are placed in roles and situations that we aren’t always ready for and definitely not equipped.  I’m glad to know I wouldn’t be alone in not wanting to dive head first into the deep end of a traditional, southern Black church “First Lady” role, either! I remember seeing the First Lady and all the things she did and what all the people tried to do to get in good graces or to help. Now in 2021, with Covid and the virtual church experience, things are different. Actually, things before Covid were a whole lot different from the 90s and how the church operates and all the moving parts within it. 


In this episode we discussed Sharece and her childhood, her youth, as well as meeting and marrying her husband. She talked about wanting “NO PARTS” of being a pastor’s wife…but as we all know, God has a way of working things out for the good. In this episode, we take a look into the life of a beautiful woman and how she now navigates leading a church with her husband, that actually has a family connection. We discuss the roles of husband and wife in the home and how those roles have a unique twist in her household. We laughed and had an absolute ball during this episode. Sharece Gash, the preacher’s wife.

Sharece, and her husband Chris, the pastor, are the leaders of New Ellis Chapel in Shelby North Carolina. They have two beautiful children. You can join the services they have each week, Wednesday and Sunday mornings on FaceBook.

New Ellis Chapel:

Sharece is also the co-author of the book, “Not Where You Left Me” 

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